Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Next Steps Chancel Renovation

The congregation met Sunday, April 22, and approved the chancel renovation project. This project consists of removing the existing choir loft and expanding the floor roughly 4' into the sanctuary. We hope to complete the project to coincide with the installation of Shiloh's new organ console.

The steps in the process are quite simple. We will be removing the choir loft as soon as the church receives the necessary County permits. The electrical, safety/security and organ wires will have to be rerun by licenced companies. Once the choir loft is removed, the framing of the floor and walls will begin. The congregation will then replace the chancel flooring and put finishing touches on the project.

Because the congregation is doing the work itself, Shiloh is saving in excess of $50,000. Even if you do not have construction or demolition experience, you can still assist the church. We need people to haul debris to a rented dumpster and others to keep the area as clean as possible. We will likely have a number of work days, where refreshments and social time are appreciated.

Sid Manley is Shiloh's project coordinator. A projected time-line is in the process of being created. Thus far, we have removed the two giant air handlers that had previously filled the space underneath the choir loft. We have stripped the loft of valuable oak trim. We have enclosed the project in its own "room," intended to greatly reduce the mess.

It is also crucial to remember that Shiloh is doing the entire chancel renovation through raised funds. With a combination of the funds available through the organ fund and fundraising projects, along with personal contributions, Shiloh should be able to pay for the total project.  

Just a word about the title for this project. Next Steps  comes from the notion that the chancel renovation is part of Shiloh's overall facility plan, which had been approved five years ago by the congregation. As the congregation tackles subsequent phases of the overall plan, we can expect to see the Next Steps moniker on many upcoming projects.

I hope that members and friends of the church are as excited as I am about seeing this progress being made. I hope that you will help with prayers and words of support. I hope you can give some time and expertise. And I sincerely hope that you can appreciate the efforts being made in order to benefit the entire congregation and community.

See You Sunday!


Anonymous said...

I was surprised to hear that Shiloh is doing the renovations itself. Great job on savings! Also I had no idea there was a call for matching funds from the congregation. When was this challenge issued? What was the original amount of the matching funds? From Sunday's announcement only $1300 is left to match the challenge?

Missing Communications

Anonymous said...

Having not been at Shiloh as long as most; (and being an early or evening church attender), or as involved as many ... I guess I need to ask, other then this has been part of a longtime plan, ... why are we doing this project?

I understand the grant for the new organ; and that changes needed to be made to accomplish the very complicated installation ... but what are we hoping will happen as the result of all this work? The construction schedule and financing are all interesting ... but I guess I'm curious as to what's driving the project?? I probably just missed the total explanation; so hope it's okay to ask. How do we see this as "Living the Word, by serving the world." Better music for those who attend? The music is so good; hard to imagine it being better, ... but I'm certain I'm missing the big picture here. Could you fill us in again? Thanks.