Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Next Steps Update

There is a light that shines at the end of this tunnel! Much progress has taken place over the past few days, so much so that it is possible that we will complete the chancel renovation in time for the new organ console delivery and installation. That installation is scheduled for the week of August 27.

The steps that form the front of the chancel are built and sanded. The back and side wall dry wall is hung, taped and mudded, at least the first coat. This week, we will be staining the trim piece that forms the periphery of the newly expanded chancel. On Friday, we are hoping to begin painting. We will then begin to lay the new hardwood flooring, 1,300 square feet of smaller-than-expected slats.

Shiloh still needs volunteers to help with painting, laying the flooring, doing finish work and cleaning. If you would like to help out, call the church office, 277-8953, and let us know that you are willing to give some time and effort to Shiloh's Next Steps facility renovation. If you want to help clean, a crew meets every Saturday morning, from as early as 8:00 a.m. to as late as 12:00 noon. The facility is unlocked, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, for the Farmers' Market.

Another bit of news on the Next Steps chancel renovation. It appears as though the County is going to allow the church to use a portable lift for accessibility to the new chancel. While the portable lifts are more costly than a fixed apparatus, there is certainly less visibility interruption with a portable unit. This item is pending, however, until we find a more affordable unit, or until we locate a granting body to offset the cost.

See You Sunday!


Carl Robinson said...

A correction: The Saturday morning cleaning will have to be delayed until around 10:30, in order to allow this Sunday's 10:30 worship team an opportunity for a run through. So, if you wish to assist, come around 10:30.

Carl Robinson said...

A correction: The Saturday morning cleaning will have to be delayed until around 10:30, in order to allow this Sunday's 10:30 worship team an opportunity for a run through. So, if you wish to assist, come around 10:30.