Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Spiritual Evolution

I have been thinking lately about the possibility of spiritual evolution.
Accepting the science of physical evolution, that species, through time, develop in ways that better suit survival in changing environmental systems, I am interested in the notion of the same survival mechanisms in the realm of spirituality.
Let me explain my curiosity.
The recent inauguration of an African-American President, juxtaposed with the celebration of the ministry of the champion of the Civil Rights Movement in America, has led me to wonder about cultural change. Is cultural change actually an aspect of a spiritual evolution? Is the move toward wider acceptance and embrace of cultural diversity less about cultural maturity than it is an indication of progressing spirituality?
Since around 1968, American culture has been undergoing seismic shift. Characterized, as such cultural shifts seem to be, with means of communication, (This new age is often referred to as "The Digital Age," or the "Technological Revolution.") the shift in which we find ourselves is about electronics and technology. While it is dehumanizing and isolating, at least at its onset, the shift is also characterized by a renewed acceptance of ethnic, behavioral, racial and gender diversity.
Perhaps, our culture has matured to the point where we sense that it is in our best interest to accept persons who are different from us. Maybe the acceptance of diversity is simply a utilitarian aspect of communal life. Thomas Friedman may have approached suggesting such a thing in his 2005 book, "The World is Flat." As our communities expand, due mainly to improvements in information and communication, our experiences of other cultures and life-styles expands. As our experience expands, our acceptance increases.
Perhaps there is something more powerful afoot here. Maybe the correlation between expanded communication and increasing acceptance is simply part and parcel of our improved spiritual existence. More than simple utility, maybe a spiritual relationship with a progressive divinity is compelling us toward, forward, outward.
Is spiritual evolution as much a part of the human story as a physical evolution? Does our sense of being improve through time, and is its culmination qualitatively different than what our religious tradition refers to as "The Kingdom of God?"  I choose to entertain the possibility, if not the probability, of a spiritual evolution that accompanies or leads our physical one. Maybe there is not much difference between the worlds of science and spirituality.
What do you think? Spiritual evolution?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH you nailed it.
I have felt this way not only about my self but most importantly about others, about culture and the very environment we live in. It is not too naive to stand on ground that is possitive. It is our hope and may it be our strength going forward.

Randy Z