Monday, April 01, 2013

April @ Shiloh

One would think that, since Easter took place on the last day of March, April might be a slower month around Shiloh Church. One might anticipate some down time. While that may be the case with some churches, it is certainly not the case at Shiloh.
Some physical changes are taking place this month. Many of you have noticed the removal of the huge sign that had been located in the circle drive yard. It has not been stolen and sold for scrap. Instead, that sign has been removed, and given to another local church, in order to make room for two other changes in Shiloh's signage. On the point, a new programmable electronic sign is scheduled to be installed at some time this month. In order to accommodate that new sign, it is necessary that we remove the banner system that we had been using for communicating to our neighbors and the community upcoming public events. That 20' banner system will now be placed in the circle drive yard, in place of the old sign. This change allows Shiloh Church a great deal more flexibility in its communication with the neighborhood and a sign that something is happening here. Remember, too, that a volunteer painting day will take place on April 20.
A significant amount of mission takes place in April. On the 13th and 27th, Shiloh will be part of the national Rebuilding Together program. Our designated home is in Shiloh's extended neighborhood and requires that we hold two work days. For more information, contact members of the Mission and Social Concerns Committee. Shiloh is also collecting hygiene products throughout the month to help support the mission of the St. Vincent shelter. Both mission efforts will serve persons in our community, even as Shiloh continues planning for a June trip to the east coast, for Sandy relief efforts. You can still sign up for that trip by talking with Sue Cox.
Educational ministries step up in April. Since we completed our two-year chronological walk through the books of the Bible at Bible @ Boston's in February, the program has been on a short hiatus. A new eight-week curriculum, based on my class at University of Dayton, called "You Believe...What?" will start on Wednesday, may 8. In April, we will gather at Boston's each Wednesday to discuss planned topics. (You can see the topics for weekly discussion on Shiloh's website: The information is in the online connection, within the Pastor's article. Shiloh will continue to hold its regular Tuesday Bible studies, at 7:00 p.m., and its regular Thursday Bible study at 10:00 a.m. There is an informational meeting on Monday, April 15, 7:00 p.m., for those who may be interested in attending another installment of the Shiloh Confirmation program. Confirmation at Shiloh is open to anyone over the eighth grade level and adults.Come and learn about the program.
Regular Sunday worship is still provided at 8:30, 10:25, and 7:00 p.m. each Sunday. The 8:30 service is for those who prefer a quiet time of reflection, prayer and meditation around the themes of the weekly texts. The 10:25 service is for those who prefer a slightly more traditional liturgical form of worship, while Shiloh's 7:00 p.m. service is for those who prefer a more praise-oriented, contemporary style. Come and be with us. Whatever form of worship you prefer, Shiloh's aim is to provide an authentic and meaningful worship experience.
See You Sunday!

1 comment:

Carl Robinson said...

I think that I have fixed the problem with spam advertising on the blog. The problem is that I must now approve all comments before they are made public. I hope you will be patient with the delay.