Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Memorial Day Recognition

Shiloh Church honors those whose lives were sacrificed in service to our Country and who died in order to protect the freedoms that we enjoy today. A special recognition will take place this coming Sunday, May 25, during the congregation's 10:25 a.m. worship service. As always, the public is welcome to join us.

The service will once again feature the presentation of service colors, accompanied by the musical theme for each branch of the American military. Those who have served are invited to stand as their service flag is presented and as their service theme is played. Then the flags of America are presented and placed by the Antioch Shrine Legion of Honor. During the presentation, we are hoping to welcome for the first time the Legion's pipers. After the congregation has risen for the presentation of the flags, and after the flags have been placed, we will honor our Country with the singing of The National Anthem.

After the anthem is sung, leaders from the Legion of Honor will place a memorial wreath, honoring those whose lives were sacrificed in the course of their military service. Participants in the service will want to pick up copies of the names of the congregation's relatives and friends who have served in the military, whether past or present. Shiloh honors them for their service.

At he end of the service, the Legion of Honor will retire the colors. We hope then to share the haunting sound of pipers playing Amazing Grace as we exit.

We sincerely hope that everyone puts such a recognition in its proper perspective. Shiloh does not condone war and genuinely hopes that not another life is lost in protection of America's freedoms. We are confident that people share that hope. Lives have been lost, however. The blood of men and women has been shed in faithful service. Our children have been sacrificed.

Shiloh acknowledges the loss and honors the memory of those who have died. Many have died in sincere hope of spreading the blessings that we so often take for granted. Therefore, our recognition is twofold. Firstly, we remember that the lives that we enjoy have come at an extreme cost. Secondly, we pray that the world may so change that not another drop of blood is spilled.

Join us in recognizing our loss and in praying that no one in the future suffers as we have in the past. May our actions today and tomorrow lead to peace and harmony throughout the world.  

1 comment:

Brian Perry said...

Amen Carl Amen. Blessed are those who stand on that wall protecting are freedoms.