Fall at Shiloh Church is an amazing series of very important ministries, missions, programs and projects. Because the leadership of the congregation wants every person to be aware of and involved in everything that goes on, this contribution to The Shiloh Insider will serve as a walk through the season.
The Fall season is off to a great start. The demarcation line for the congregation is its annual Fall Fair, held this year on September 16 & 17. The Fall Fair is actually a huge sale of flea market items, used clothing, books, food and fun. In 2010, Shiloh actually lost money on the Fall Fair. This year, Shiloh saw an income of over $4,500. Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, staff and booth chairs, Shiloh Church is off to a fabulous Fall.
Pumpkins arrived for Shiloh's annual Pumpkin Patch on October 1. A huge group of volunteers, some thirty strong, unloaded from the semi trailer over 1700 pumpkins. The variety and size of this year's crop is phenomenal, and should lead to increased revenues. Remember that 75% of all proceeds return to the Navajo reservation in New Mexico where these pumpkins were grown. Please sign up to help staff Shiloh's Pumpkin Patch. You call call the church office for available times and dates.
The congregation's annual Celebration Dinner will be held on Saturday, October 22. Shiloh will gather that evening, starting in the Omega Hall at 6:30 p.m., to recognize the contributions of the church's monthly "Actioneers," office and business office volunteers and those who have worked behind the scenes in a series of capacities. The congregation will also recognize the annual Shiloh Service Award recipient(s). This award is granted each year to a person or couple who has/have, over time, distinguished him/her/themselves in "Living the Word by Serving the World." Tickets are $10.00 per person. There is a reduced rate fro children from 4-12 years of age, while those under three years of age are free.
On October 28 and 29, Shiloh will host the Ohio Conference "Church Vitality Road Show." Featuring Ohio's own Jim Oates, the Church Vitality Road Show is brought to us by SONKA's Church development Team. That Association Team is chaired by Shiloh's own Jay McMillen. SONKA will also hold its Fall Gathering on Saturday, November 5, at St. John's UCC, Newport, Kentucky. At that meeting, Shiloh's Senior Pastor, I, will hand over the Moderator's gavel to Mr. Karl Ulrich. Karl attends The Nexus Church. Registrations for the Fall Gathering, Mission 1, can be made by contacting Jay McMillen, Carl Robinson, or by linking to the SONKA website on Shiloh's website, www.shiloh.org.
Stewardship Sunday is slated for November 13, when Shiloh will hold a congregational meeting. This congregational meeting is called in order to establish a course of action that is needed in response to Shiloh's budget deficit.
The annual Holiday Bazaar is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, November 18 & 19. Holiday decorating items, baked goods, mincemeat, jewelry and antiques, great food and better friends are available. The annual quilt raffle will take place as well. Times are Saturday, Nov. 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 19 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Yard signs will be available very soon, and sign up sheets for booth volunteers will be in the Narthex in the next few weeks. The Bake Shoppe is collecting items. Check the board in the Art Gallery, near the mail box system.
The put an end to Fall activities at Shiloh, the annual Christmas Musical will be held at 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on December 11. Remember weekly Bible studies, Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in the chapel, Bible @ Boston's, held each Wednesday, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Boston's Bistro and Pub, North Main at Westbrook/Dogleg Road.
With all of this going on around Shiloh Church, it is a wonder that any of us have time for Christmas shopping. Maybe this will be a good year to downsize those celebrations?! Join us for these activities, as well as weekly worship, held on Sundays at 8:30 a.m., 10:25 a.m., and 7:00 p.m.
See You Sunday!
1 comment:
Remember too Shiloh's Thanksgiving food collection. Last year's collection was in the neighborhood of 150 bags of food, as I recall.
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