Yesterday, December 10, 2011, the combined musical and drama ministries of Shiloh Church offered their annual Christmas Musical, "While You Were Sleeping." Our appreciation goes out to all who made the celebration possible. Special recognition is well deserved for members of Shiloh's staff: Director of Music, Mark Barnhill, Assistant Director, Martha Kirkland, Organist, Rev. Aaron Sheaffer, Drama Director, Linda Peterson and Director of Media Ministries, John Rabius.
Shiloh's appreciation also pours out for the members of our joint choirs, our volunteer orchestra, Voices in Bronze, our bell choir, volunteer ASL interpreters from Sinclair Community College, the media crew and the congregation's Hospitality Team. The Hospitality Team provided refreshment and fellowship for those who attended the musicals, held at both 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Thanks especially to Joanne Orihood, Glenna Higgins, Dawn McMillen, Linda DeCamp, and all those who prepared and served the refreshments.
Including all who sang and played and welcomed and spoke and greeted and ushered and directed and ran sound or camera, Shiloh included more than 150 people in the production. If one can believe the wealth of comment made after the musical, Shiloh shown with brilliant Christmas spirit. Our hope is that the spirit that we shared Sunday might be contagious, in order that each of us remembers to keep Christ at the core of our Christmas celebrations.
So much went on behind the scenes, by so many others, that it is hard to know where to stop our thanks. With Ken Todd hospitalized, Jay McMillen rendered invaluable service in and around the facility. Randy Zuercher reprogrammed our electronic signs, others staffed the Holy Grounds Cafe, and still others cleaned the sanctuary.
Remember that Christmas Eve service will take place at 7:30 p.m. on the 24th, and that a special, casual Christmas Day service will be held on the 25th at 10:30 a.m. The Christmas Eve service will be family-oriented, with a candlelight ceremony, carol singing, and a wonderful celebration. The Christmas Day service will be a celebration in song and word, not around what we have received but around the joy that we have given. The congregation will be invited to tell stories about special gifts that were given this season, and the response to those gifts.
See You Sunday!
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