I sit in the lone chair in an empty office. When I write of my office as empty, I am using no metaphor. There is no carpet, no telephone, no equipment and no connection to the church's network. There is no place to sit and no place to meet with those who might otherwise come to see me. My office equipment and belongings, whether professional or personal, are stacked in another room, located elsewhere in the facility. To make matters worse, there is an aroma that ranges somewhere between bleach and cat urine. This, the result of another sewer drain backup into my office space, the second in less that five years.
Despite the fact that I am unable to accomplish much of my usual Monday morning work, I am feeling particularly "in the mood." The mood is of Christmas. Its source is yesterday's annual Christmas Musical, "Christmas Together."
"Christmas Together" was a tremendous celebration of the Christmas season. Participants included our joint choirs, Sanctuary Choir, Shiloh's Youth Choir, and our Discovery Team. Those in attendance heard from our ringing choirs, both Youth Bells and Voices in Bronze, our adult bell group. Attendees were treated to the sounds of an all-volunteer orchestra, percussion, guitars, pipe organ, prayers and several dramatic readings. A few of my favorite features were an a Capella rendition of "Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne," and the Fellowship Four (men's quartet), singing "Sing We Now of Christmas." The highlight of the evening, for me, was the prayer for peace and the singing of "Let There Be Peace on Earth." The program brought tears to many an eye and standing ovations at both performances.
The power of Shiloh's Christmas Musical lies in precisely this: I sit in an empty office, facing the uncertainty of new carpeting this week and the tedium of having to move back in, yet I am in the Christmas mood. I can't complete much of my work, yet my spirit is light.
Thank you to all who participated in an absolutely splendid musical. Special appreciation goes to our media crew, directed by John Rabius, and to out Hospitality Staff, managed ably by Joanne Orihood. Despite the inclement weather, more people stayed for the reception on Sunday night than stayed after the 10:30 celebration.
It was not just music that filled the air, but a spirit of celebration and joy. If you attended, I hope that you feel it too. If you were unable to attend, copies of the program may soon be available for check out from the Church Library.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
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