Shiloh Church is celebrating Black History month.
The congregation is engaging the opportunity in three distinct ways. Firstly, since the Gospel readings for the month of February come from Matthew's Sermon on the Mount, we are utilizing Jesus' message of social and cultural impact (particularly how it calls us to diverge from traditional, ritualized, ortho-doxological practices in order to focus on practical, public applications of the message of Christ) to relate to the contributions of black Americans. This past Sunday, Shiloh combined the Beatitudes with the images of Rosa Parks as a way to help us understand how we might be the "blessing" to those who hunger, thirst, or mourn by changing the ways things work. Direct action changes the world. Direct application of the message of Christ to the ways that we live can forever alter human history.
Secondly, the congregation's Bible @ Boston's program will resume each Wednesday. We will gather at Boston's Bistro and Pub, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., to remember and celebrate the many contributions of our brothers and sisters to the fabric of American culture. Each session is free and open to the public. Come early for the best seats in the house! The list pf speakers and topics are listed here:
February 5: Karen Brame: An Overview of Black Histo
February 12: Idotha "Bootsie" Neal: Wright Brothers/Paul Laurence Dunbar Project and Walk of Fame
February 19: Terrence Grimes: Celebrating Black American Music
February 26: Margaret Peters: African-Americans who have helped establish Dayton's history.
Thirdly, on the first weekend in March, Shiloh will offer to the public a series of displays that highlight contributions of Black Americans to corporate American identity and culture. The displays will be open on Sunday, March 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The 10:25 worship service will feature special ethnic music, dance performance, and speaker Rev. Robert Jones. The service will be followed by a special carry-in ethnic meal. Recipes can be located on the circular table that is located in the Information Gallery. Sign-ups are available on the Green Table, located in the Narthex/Lobby. The meal will conclude with a discussion of the book, "Remember As You Pass Me By," written by L. King Perez, who will be in attendance and who will take part in the conversation. You may obtain a copy of the book from Marilyn Jones or from Amazon.
Another feature of Shiloh's program will take place on Monday, March 3. Children from several local school districts will travel to Shiloh to tour the exhibits, have lunch, and offer a program in the sanctuary. The planning group anticipates up to 300 children, who will offer songs, dances, readings and even artwork, to commemorate the event.
If you want to help with any of these activities, see Carl Robinson, Terry Ogletree, or sign up on the sheets that are available on the Green Table. You may also call the Church Office for more information. I hope to see you all there!
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