Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Educational Opportunities Abound

Shiloh Church takes the process of Christian Education seriously. The congregation engages in far more than Sunday School, though the traditional classes for all ages are offered every Sunday morning, from 9:15-10:15 a.m.

Included in Shiloh's Sunday morning schedule is a weekly opportunity to discuss the message/texts for that Sunday of the liturgical church year. Following the 10:25 worship service, usually around 11:45 or so, a group gathers in Shiloh's Omega Hall to converse. Such conversation is a usual feature of our weekly 7:00 p.m. alternative worship setting, by the way.Everyone is welcome.

Shiloh continues to offer twice-weekly Bible studies, where participants study together the texts that serve as the basis for that coming Sunday's worship. Following the Revised Common Lectionary, or by utilizing the church's newsletter, participants can study upcoming texts in preparation for each session. Sessions are held on Tuesday evenings, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. or on Thursday mornings, from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. All sessions are held in the church's chapel. Again, as ever, everyone is welcome.

Bible @ Boston's is being offered by Shiloh throughout the month of September. Our curriculum is based on the cultural evolution of the past fifty years and the church's response to it. It is entitled: Theology of the Progressive Church Movement: From a Church of Law Toward a Church of Vocation. Sessions are held each week, Wednesday evenings, from 6:00 -7:00 p.m. at Boston's Bistro and Pub, located at the corner of North Main Street (St. Rte. 48) and Dogleg Rd. (Westbrook). Food and drink are available for purchase.Guess what? Everyone is welcome.

I am also currently teaching a session of the University of Dayton's Life Long Learning Institute, in course entitled  "At the End: The Revelation to John from Historical/Critical Perspective." This is the fourth series that I have led at UD and I am thoroughly thrilled with the response to that population's response to the modified Historical/Critical Method that we teach. Those sessions will run from September 15 through October 20, every Monday morning, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Participants need to have membership in the University of Dayton's Life Long Learning Institute in order to attend and there is a cost per enrollment quarters. Fliers can be found on the Library table, located near the Copper Room, or by contacting UDLLI.

I am also currently developing a class for SONKA's Affiliates for Education, formerly the Association's Lay School. Now located at United Theological Seminary, SONKA's Affiliates for Education offer high-level classes for those who are interested in pursuit of calling, whether lay or professional. I am writing a curriculum for Introduction to Old Testament, which will include both an overview of the literature and a survey of theological developments. Persons can apply for participation in SONKA's Affiliates for Education by contacting the SONKA office, or by accessing the Association's website, www.sonkaucc.org.

We sincerely hope that the people of Shiloh, and any interested parties from our community, take part in the rich educational opportunities that Shiloh offers. Learning together, we are Living the Word by Serving the World.

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